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a 5-part bible study series

3.     As we move to the next chapter of our life as a Church, City Cross Link (CLL), and as members of the community of believers, we need to inculcate in our hearts and in our minds, the core values of CCL.

     God is calling you to do something new and something great. The opportunity may already be in front of you, but you do not see it and are not prepared for it. Always be ready to answer God's call means preparing our hearts for what He wants us to do.

In this 5-part Bible Study, learn how you can always be:

1. Ready to Pray

2. Ready to Serve

3. Ready to Give

4. Ready to Share

5. Ready to Move

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"Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful." - Colossians 4:2



What does it mean to be 'watchful and thankful' in prayer?

What are some of the things you pray about?  Would they

                     be  considered watchful and thankful?  


All throughout the Bible, prayer always precedes action. It is never a short 'quick prayer' like we have become accustomed to. It is Intentional. Prayer allows us to connect with God and be in sync with how He is moving in our lives and in our community. It prepares us for action. This passage tells us to be watchful in prayer. Sometimes we can be so concerned with our own lives that we miss the bigger things that God is doing. Instead, we should be attentive to what's going on around us and in the world, and be ready for those things.



Be thankful - thank God for a prayer that He has answered ot something he has provided, but you have overlooked.

Be watchful - think of a person or a situation that you haven't prayed for, and spend time praying for them.

Anchor 2




If you were created to do good works, is much of your life

             actually spent doing that?

In what ways has God been shaping and preparing your life

             for good?


     God has a purpose for each of our lives. He has shaped our skills, personalities, and experiences uniquely to accomplish good in the world. Yet many of us are still waiting for a sign or clarity on God’s calling, and it can leave us paralyzed. God has clearly prepared good works for you to do, and many of them are already right in front of you. You were created to do good, so just do the good that is in front of you. That will ultimately prepare you to do even greater things in the future.


       What talents and skills do you have that you haven't used for God's work? Find a way to volunteer them to any of the ministries of the church.

      Think of someone you know who has an immediate need that you can help with, and offer assistance.


"For we are God's handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do."

Ephesians 2:10




"Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful Giver."  2 Corinthins9:7


Have you ever given out of guild or begrudgingly? Why was


How do you give with joy?


     Giving is often an afterthought for many of us. After we have calculated our living expenses, our personal spending, and how much we want to save, we think about how much we want to give. It comes out of our leftovers. It is often spur of the moment only when we are asked to give, so we give what we can spare and what we feel like giving. But this passage frames giving as something that is highly intentional. It’s an offering that is already decided and prepared ahead of time. God does not need our gift, but itis a means to develop generosity as the core of who we are. To be a cheerful giver, prepare your heart to be generous and give God your first and best, not the scraps.


      If you don’t already give to your local church, consider an amount to set aside to give regularly.

     Think of someone you know who is in need, and set aside an amount to give to them.

     Make a donation to help others know Jesus





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"But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect.” 1 Peter 3:15


Has anyone every asked you about your faith? If not, why do

              you think they haven't?

If you only had a few minutes to tell someone about God,

              what would you say?


       Sharing the Gospel can be difficult for a lot of us. We are nervous about what to say or how other people will react. So when presented with the opportunity, we often shy away because we are unprepared. Telling others about God does not need to be complicated.

      The first part of this verse says to revere Christ in our hearts. That means that anything we say about Jesus will come out of our relationship with Him. Being ready to share the Gospel is not about having a memorized script or testimony. It’s simply talking about what God has done in your life.

      Share your testimony in a public way, whether it's in person with someone you know, or online through a blog post, social media post, or video.

     Think of people you can help and serve regularly, so that you will be in a position when they ask you about your kindness and the hope you have in Jesus Christ.





"See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making away in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.” - Isaiah 43:19



Are there areas of your life or your community that seem like

              a wasteland?

Have you ever felt like God was calling you to step into

              something that made you feel uncomfortable?


      As we settle into the routine of life, it can be easy to get comfortable and complacent. God may be calling you to something new, but it will be uncomfortable. This could be stepping into a new job, a new location, or a new friend. In order to be ready to move wherever God calls us, we have to be ok with being uncomfortable. We have to be willing to let go of the things that give us security.

     This is how we prepare ourselves to move with God into new seasons.


      Look for an opportunity in our church where you can be more involved.

     Find an area of your life that God is calling you to step forward into.


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