Love that Never Fails
John 15: 9-13
by Pastor Joel Detalo
Human love by its nature is selfish. We give when there’s something we can get.
For example, we marry someone we love. And we love him/her because we have list of reasons why. Fair enough, we should chose to love somebody who we think can love us back. Our human love, however is challenged when we enter into relationship of love and somewhere in between the good reason for loving is breached or compromised. Or when the other party became incapable of doing and/or ceases to be the one you used to love. In other words, our love is challenged when we reach the “dead end” point, when we end up giving until our own resources dries up; when the love relationship we expect backfires and gives nothing more but hurt.
What do
we do and where do we go? We seek answer from people or things and we end up multiplying our relationship problems. I have an invitation for you, from the Word of God: Zechariah 9:12 New International Version (NIV)
12 Return to your fortress, you prisoners of hope(love);
even now I announce that I will restore twice as much to you.
1. It is when we remain in His Love that we are blessed.
Outside the covenant are curses.
God introduces a relationship of “covenant.” If we look at the Old Testament, covenant is a
serious relationship that two parties agree upon. This is not one way, this is mutual. This is
so serious that both parties agree that if one violates the agreement, the other party is given
the right to destroy the violator. But as long as both parties do their responsibilities to both,
they all enjoy the privileges of their relationship. In the case of God and Israel, God as the
stronger party is the blessor and Israel is the blessee. As long as Israel keeps the covenantal
laws before them, then they can expect the full force of God’s blessings and protection. But
the moment they plan to step outside the covenant, even before execute the plan, curses
were already before them. “It is only by God’s grace that they were not consumed, His
unfailing love rescued them. They are new every morning, great is Thy faithfulness.”
2. It is when we remain in His Love that our love is righteous.
Outside His love is destruction.
When you love in the context of Agape love there is a turbo power that enables you to love the unlovable. You go beyond the limits of human love. But your love is made right by His love. You became capable of “pruning” yourself from relationship that is not pleasing to Him; you became a slave to righteousness not to evil.
3. It is when we remain in His Love that we are eternally secured.
Outside is eternal damnation.
Inside the covenant with God is a promise of full security. It is eternal in nature. However
this is security that one cannot use to abuse or do evil. This is security that will make us
dread of doing evil and will increase the fear of the Lord in us. The Bible describes this
security as Strong, stable and immovable. There is really one and only condition here: you
have to Remain in His love. As long as you stay, you enjoy eternal security. Outside His love
is a sea of unending regret and punishment. Hebrews 10:26
Remain in My Love, is an invitation to eternal life. This is where love never fails. This is where real life is. “I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete.” If you remain in His love there is no depths nor heights, no demons nor principalities, no forces above or below the earth is able to separate us from this love. And as we remain there, there the fullness, the beauty, the sweetest of God’s love relationship with us is experienced. Therefore I urge you,
Remain in His Love.